Incorporating Animals into
Human-Animal Studies
Annual Event Workshops
June 2023
The Community for Human-Animal Studies Israel (HASI)
The Israeli Anthropological Association
in collaboration with
The Coller-Menmon Animal Rights and Welfare Program
at the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University
"It is more challenging to study a relationship than a discrete entity, a relationship across species than within a species, and individuals of different species." (Shapiro, 2020: 821)
Human-animal studies have traditionally focused on humans' perspectives of animal-human relationships, often neglecting nonhuman animals' own experiences and agency. This can lead to a skewed and anthropomorphic understanding of these diverse and multifaceted connections, one that ignores their mutual and reciprocal aspects. Recent research focuses on decentering 'the human' and incorporates more holistic explorations of sameness and otherness, agency and empowerment, and intersectionality into multispecies entanglements. Doing so, novel, experimental, and collaborative approaches to multispecies research are emerging.
The Human-Animal Studies Israeli community (HASI), in collaboration with The Coller-Menmon Animal Rights and Welfare Program, will conduct an annual event that will include several workshops dealing with these new understandings, contemplations and challenges, that are part and parcel of contemporary human-animal studies. The workshops seek to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to present their work, share perceptions, and explore together various ways of incorporating nonhuman animals as active agents in their research. The workshops are led by experts in their field, including Philip Tedeschi (University of Denver), Clara Mancini (The Open University, UK), Margo DeMello (Carroll College), Sivan Shefer (Dialogue with animals), Maya Weinberg (Tel-Aviv University), and Anat Ben Yonatan (Tel-Aviv University).
June 21st 10 AM - 3 PM
Prof. Philip Tedeschi, University of Denver
Adv. Yossi Wolfson, Tel Aviv Universtiy
In collaboration with the "Violence Towards Animals" Group, Tel Aviv University (Dr. Anat Ben-Yonatan, Boaz Ishay, Dr. Dan Misheiker, Hadas Marcus; Ilanit Branchina)
Animal Abuse (AA), defined as “non-accidental, socially unacceptable behavior that causes harm to or the death of a non-human animal” has been implicated as a risk factor in intimate partner violence and child maltreatment. Additionally, exposure to Animal cruelty for children, may be considered an adverse childhood experience, (ACE’s) and have potential for significant negative developmental impacts for child psychological health.
Studies of animal abuse suggest that animal cruelty is an important issue of public health and safety. This workshop will be discussing the connection between animal abuse and violence against humans: from introducing and discussing the concept of the LINK and its trajectories to getting acquainted with practical tools to cope with violent phenomena that involves humans as well as other animals.
Throughout the workshop we will examine case studies in which other animals are entangled in human violence, and discuss comprehensive best practices for the evaluation, intervention and effective disposition of animal abuse cases.
Topics will explore the connection between violence directed at animals and interpersonal violence. We will also look at review research and correlations to domestic violence, child abuse, and elder abuse, with particular attention paid to peer-reviewed studies and introduction to a new training program Animals Forward - Risk Resilience and Remediation designed for professional who encounter animal maltreatment in the course of their professional duties..
June 22nd 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
"לפגוש אותם, להכיר אותנו": סדנת אנתרוזואולוגיה
סיון שפר, דיאלוג עם חיות
ד"ר מאיה וינברג, אוניברסיטת תל אביב
ד"ר ענת בן יונתן, אוניברסיטת תל אביב
לימודי אדם-חיה כורכים יחדיו דיסציפלינות הומניסטיות החוקרות התנהגות אנושית - כגון מדעי החברה ומדעי הרוח - עם דיסציפלינות זואולוגיסטיות כגון אתולוגיה, וטרינריה ופסיכולוגיה השוואתית, אשר מפתחות ידע בתחום התנהגותם של בעלי חיים. שני סוגי המומחיות הללו חיוניים עבור שדה המחקר המתעניין בחוליה המקשרת בין אדם לחיה, ובייחוד ביחסים ביניהם.
דרך אחת להבטיח איזון בין הצד החייתי לצד האנושי הינה שיתוף פעולה בין תחומי. אולם שיתופי פעולה מסוג זה הם נדירים בנוף האקדמי, בשל נקודת המוצא האפיסטמולוגית והמתודולוגית השונה המאפיינת את הפרדיגמות הדיסציפלינריות השונות.
סדנא זו מנסה לבנות גשר בין-תחומי בעזרת התנסות חווייתית דרך מפגש בלתי אמצעי עם בעלי חיים בחווה חברתית חינוכית להצלה ושיקום של בעלי חיים.
מטרת הסדנא לספק פלטפורמה למפגש בין-מיני לצד כלים אתולוגיים ואנתרופולוגיים שיסייעו לפענח אותו - בעזרת תצפית בבעלי חיים, התנסות בקשר בין אדם לחיה, וחשיבה על משמעות המפגש עם בעלי חיים עבור כל הצדדים.
כמו כן, הסדנא תפתח צוהר להיכרות עם עקרונות הגישה הדיאלוגית עם בעלי חיים, כדוגמת שפה משותפת ועקרונות תקשורת נטולת כוחנות; יצירת אמפתיה וחיבור; מרחב בטוח וחופש בחירה.

June 28, 3:00 - 8 PM
From Cartesian Bodies to Centres of Experience: Towards Incorporating with Animals in Research (virtual)
Prof. Clara Mancini, The Open University, UK
This workshop provides a forum for researchers to share their multidisciplinary experiences of working with animals, including methods, tools and strategies they have employed, challenges they have faced and successes they have achieved. Through group discussions, workshop participants will identify common problems and possible approaches to doing multispecies inclusive and participatory research. Participants’ shared experiences and discussions will inform a transdisciplinary repository of methods, tools and strategies for anyone to draw from, and open questions and challenges for anyone to address, thus supporting a growing multidisciplinary community who believe in the importance of incorporating with animals in research.
This workshop will be open to a maximum of 20 participants. Researchers from any discipline who have conducted, are conducting or hope to conduct research with animals, and who wish to develop an animal-centred perspective on doing research with animals, are warmly encouraged. Participants need to submit a 500-word position abstract outlining any experience they have of doing research with animals and why they wish to participate in the workshop. The abstract should also include their name, affiliation and role. On the day of the workshop, participants will be asked to give a 5-minute presentation on their experience and approach to doing research with animals, including any challenges and successes, where relevant.
June 29th 5- 10 PM
Embracing Monsters: Centering Uncertainty in Human-Animal Studies (virtual)
Dr. Margo DeMello, Carrol College
This workshop will use the idea of the monstrous to try to better understand our relationships with other species, but also to deconstruct those relationships, and to interrogate some of the assumptions that underlie them. We will explore non-textual means of doing animal studies, making space for the uncertain, the hidden, and the speculative, and could, I hope, help us to better navigate these uncharted spaces and uncertain times.
Workshops | סדנאות
Schedule is in Jerusalem time zone (GMT +3)

June 21, 10:00 - 3:00 PM, in person
The Animals Forward: Risk, Resilience and Remediation in Animal Maltreatment
Prof. Philip Tedeschi, University of Denver
In collaboration with the "Violence Towards Animals" Group,Tel Aviv University (Dr. Anat Ben-Yonatan, Boaz Ishay, Dr. Dan Misheiker, Hadas Marcus; Ilanit Branchina)
Animal Abuse (AA), defined as “non-accidental, socially unacceptable behavior that causes harm to or the death of a non-human animal” has been implicated as a risk factor in intimate partner violence and child maltreatment. Additionally, exposure to Animal cruelty for children, may be considered an adverse childhood experience, (ACE’s) and have potential for significant negative developmental impacts for child psychological health.
Studies of animal abuse suggest that animal cruelty is an important issue of public health and safety. This workshop will be discussing the connection between animal abuse and violence against humans: from introducing and discussing the concept of the LINK and its trajectories to getting acquainted with practical tools to cope with violent phenomena that involves humans as well as other animals.
Throughout the workshop we will examine case studies in which other animals are entangled in human violence, and discuss comprehensive best practices for the evaluation, intervention and effective disposition of animal abuse cases.
Topics will explore the connection between violence directed at animals and interpersonal violence. We will also look at review research and correlations to domestic violence, child abuse, and elder abuse, with particular attention paid to peer-reviewed studies and introduction to a new training program Animals Forward - Risk Resilience and Remediation designed for professional who encounter animal maltreatment in the course of their professional duties.

June 28, 3:00pm-8:00pm (1 hour break between 5-6pm), virtual
From Cartesian Bodies to Centres of Experience: Towards Incorporating with Animals in Research
Prof. Clara Mancini, The Open University, UK
Workshop coordinator: Dr. Orit Hirsch-Matsioulas,University of Haifa
This workshop provides a forum for researchers to share their multidisciplinary experiences of working with animals, including methods, tools and strategies they have employed, challenges they have faced and successes they have achieved. Through group discussions, workshop participants will identify common problems and possible approaches to doing multispecies inclusive and participatory research. Participants’ shared experiences and discussions will inform a transdisciplinary repository of methods, tools and strategies for anyone to draw from, and open questions and challenges for anyone to address, thus supporting a growing multidisciplinary community who believe in the importance of incorporating with animals in research.
This workshop will be open to a maximum of 20 participants. Researchers from any discipline who have conducted, are conducting or hope to conduct research with animals, and who wish to develop an animal-centred perspective on doing research with animals, are warmly encouraged. Participants need to submit a 500-word position abstract outlining any experience they have of doing research with animals and why they wish to participate in the workshop. The abstract should also include their name, affiliation and role. On the day of the workshop, participants will be asked to give a 5-minute presentation on their experience and approach to doing research with animals, including any challenges and successes, where relevant.

June 29, 5:30-10:00pm (30 minutes break between 7:30-8:00pm), virtual
Embracing Monsters: Centering Uncertainty in Human-Animal Studies
Dr. Margo DeMello, Carroll College
Workshop coordinator: Limor Chen, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
This workshop will use the idea of the monstrous to try to better understand our relationships with other species, but also to deconstruct those relationships, and to interrogate some of the assumptions that underlie them. We will explore non-textual means of doing animal studies, making space for the uncertain, the hidden, and the speculative, and could, I hope, help us to better navigate these uncharted spaces and uncertain times.
This workshop is for graduate students, independent researchers, and scholars of human-animal studies who wish to explore some of the more troubling aspects of the human-animal relationship.
This workshop will be open to a maximum of 20 participants. Anyone with an interest in human-animal studies is welcome, but the topic of the workshop demands that participants must have a good working knowledge of the field. Participants need not formally apply or submit materials before the workshop.

22 ביוני 2023, 09:30 - 16:00
״לפגוש אותם, להכיר אותנו״:
סדנת אנתרוזואולוגיה
סיון שפר, ״דיאלוג עם חיות״
ד״ר מאיה וינברג, אוניברסיטת תל אביב
ד״ר ענת בן יונתן, אוניברסיטת תל אביב
ד״ר דפנה שיר-ורטש, מכללת אחוה
לימודי אדם-חיה כורכים יחדיו דיסציפלינות הומניסטיות החוקרות התנהגות אנושית - כגון מדעי החברה ומדעי הרוח - עם דיסציפלינות זואולוגיסטיות כגון אתולוגיה, וטרינריה ופסיכולוגיה השוואתית, אשר מפתחות ידע בתחום התנהגותם של בעלי חיים. שני סוגי המומחיות הללו חיוניים עבור שדה המחקר המתעניין בחוליה המקשרת בין אדם לחיה, ובייחוד ביחסים ביניהם.
דרך אחת להבטיח איזון בין הצד החייתי לצד האנושי הינה שיתוף פעולה בין תחומי. אולם שיתופי פעולה מסוג זה הם נדירים בנוף האקדמי, בשל נקודת המוצא האפיסטמולוגית והמתודולוגית השונה המאפיינת את הפרדיגמות הדיסציפלינריות השונות.
סדנא זו מנסה לבנות גשר בין-תחומי בעזרת התנסות חווייתית דרך מפגש בלתי אמצעי עם בעלי חיים בחווה חברתית חינוכית להצלה ושיקום של בעלי חיים.
מטרת הסדנא לספק פלטפורמה למפגש בין-מיני לצד כלים אתולוגיים ואנתרופולוגיים שיסייעו לפענח אותו - בעזרת תצפית בבעלי חיים, התנסות בקשר בין אדם לחיה, וחשיבה על משמעות המפגש עם בעלי חיים עבור כל הצדדים.
כמו כן, הסדנא תפתח צוהר להיכרות עם עקרונות הגישה הדיאלוגית עם בעלי חיים, כדוגמת שפה משותפת ועקרונות תקשורת נטולת כוחנות; יצירת אמפתיה וחיבור; מרחב בטוח וחופש בחירה.

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